
Great Reformation Needed

ANDREW STROM:  I believe the word “Reformation” has been
hijacked by modern groups such as the NAR – similar to the way
the word ‘Revival’ has been misused and abused in modern times.
This is very sad, because if it is one thing the church desperately
needs today, it is a total and true ‘Reformation’ back to the ways
of the early church. Below, my friend Torben Sondergaard has
some very interesting things to say on this vital topic-

-extracts by Torben Sondergaard

The first reformation took place in the seventeenth century when
Martin Luther opposed the Catholic Church and its teaching. He
revived the very essence of the Gospel, namely justification by
faith alone. You can say that this reformation concerned theology.

The second reformation took place in the nineteenth century around
the time of the ministry of the Wesley brothers’ activities. In this
reformation personal intimacy with Christ was rediscovered.
However, once again the structure itself; the framework of the
church and the service did not change very much. It was, again,
like putting a new patch on old clothes.

If you look back throughout history, you will see that none of the
revivals of the past have seriously done anything about the church
structure. What we really need is a new and radical reformation.
The third reformation is not just about small changes here and there.
No, it is a reformation that goes so deep that it requires a complete
new start.

I know God wants something new to happen. I also know that this
reformation is necessary. Yet despite the fact that I am so
absolutely convinced about the things I am writing, I am still writing
it with great fear and trembling because I know this is not going to
be easily accepted.

Today we are all glad for the reformation Martin Luther introduced.
We forget, however, about many things. We forget that it created
a big opposition as a result of which Luther`s books were burned
and he was accused of having been sent by the devil to wage war
with God´s church. We forget that it led to violent fights in which
thousands of men, women and children were killed. We forget that
the church of that time did not want the reformation and they did
everything to fight it. You might be thinking now: Yes, but that
was the Catholic Church. Today another church denomination
will try to fight what God wants. Why do we think that it is going
to be different today?

I am not saying that we are going to see thousands killed, but
why should we think that everything will go smoothly – without
divisions and without being accused of working against God and
trying to destroy the church? The truth is we need to see this
reformation and it is not going to go smoothly! We are going to be
accused of destroying the church. We are going to be accused
of having been deceived and of being dangerous.

Why did the church turn against Martin Luther? Was it because
his words were opposed to the Word of God? No, that was not
the reason. For the church it was not a matter of what the Bible
said, but of something completely different. Martin Luther´s
teaching opposed a system based on finances, power and control.
We can say that this is also relevant today. People will oppose
it nowadays as well, not because it is unbiblical, but because it
will destroy the system they have helped to build. Finances, power
and control still matter a lot to the church today.

This is not because pastors do not want to serve God and do not
want to do the right thing. It is mostly due to the fact that they
either cannot see it or that they have much to lose, which makes
it hard for them to go in this direction. When they see others
abandoning their system, they will fight it because that is how
they lose their members – and together with them, the money that
keeps the system running.

Jesus is zealous for God´s church on earth. Do we have the same
zeal today? Jesus said there would be a price to pay if we followed
Him. Are we willing to pay that price? It will cause division and
some Christians will fight it because it seems to be something
that will destroy the church. I can honestly say on my behalf that
I have absolutely no intent of destroying God´s church. I love the
church and therefore I want to rescue it. I love God´s people and
I love God – and that is why I do what I do. The only difference is
that my view of what God´s church is, is different from that of
many other people. See here …..

New Publication

Keys to Revival Praying

keys to revival

by David and Patricia Knowles

  • What is Revival and what is NOT Revival
  • How did the revivalists pray?
  • Exciting accounts of events in past Revivals to thrill and inspire us today.

Buy it Here

Key Quotes

“I was satisfied that the doctrine of Entire Sanctification in this life, in the sense that it was the privilege of Christians to live without sin, was a doctrine taught in the Bible“

“There will be no great Revival until the people of God are deeply convicted of their need of holiness”

“A God-sent Revival must ever be related to holiness”

“Holiness has been the message of saints of God down the centuries, and was the foundation of the glorious Revivals of Christianity under the original Quakers, Methodists and the Salvation Army and wherever it is truly known and experienced, it is the bringer-in of Revival today .”

“That such widespread misunderstanding should exist about the word (sanctification) and its meaning, is a spiritual disaster .If there is one New Testament term more than another which calls for rescue it is that precious, expressive word, Sanctification. “

“Believers must be brought into conviction of the shame and evil of the carnal state. God brings believers into, what may be called ,a second conviction — conviction of a need of deliverance from the power of sin.”

"True holiness is a Revival of Holiness. Personal holiness is more desirable than happiness, he (Duncan Campbell) taught, and it is not in heaven alone that God wants our saintliness - it is here and now; holiness is not just a doctrine to be taught, it is a way of life - it is the life of Jesus."

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"When the acts of sin are forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary, that nature of sin still remains in the heart, and so many have never heard that there is deliverance from it. That is why I specially believe in Holiness Meetings."

" Being wholly sanctified is the completion of grace done in the heart at conversion and is generally a second, definite experience. This second work of grace is two-fold; first a cleansing of the heart from indwelling sin, and secondly an incoming of the Holy Ghost making the Lord Jesus all in all to the believer."

"Sanctification is cleansing to make holy ...... The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a gift of power upon the sanctified life."

".... it is the spiritual work of Jesus Christ to purify His people by His own blood to rid them of this deep-lying disease. That is why He is called the Great Physician. He is able to heal us of this plague of impurity and iniquity, redeeming us from the consequences of our sins and purifying us from the presence of our sins."

"When we have a clear knowledge of justification and sanctification, then we can be a recipient of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit." WILLIAM SEYMOUR

"God Who delivers us from the guilt of sin through faith in Jesus Christ, is able to deliver the believer from the power of sin as well."

"The Bible tells us that holiness is perfect deliverance from sin - The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin - 1John 1:7. Thus, holiness is a state in which there is no longer malice, blasphemy, hypocracy, envy, love for ease, selfish desires for good opinions of men, shame of the cross, worldliness, deceipt, contention, covetousness, nor any evil desire or tendency in the heart. It is a state in which there is no longer any doubt or fear, a state in which God is loved and trusted with a perfect heart. It is a state of heart and life which consists in being and doing, ALL thr e time, just what God wants us to do."
Commissioner SAMUEL LOGAN BRENGLE. (Salvation Army)