
A W Tozer Prophecy


“Let me go out on a limb a little bit and prophesy. I see the time
coming when all the holy men whose eyes have been opened by
the Holy Spirit will desert worldly Evangelicalism, one by one.
The house will be left desolate and there will not be a man of God,
a man in whom the Holy Spirit dwells, left among them.

I hear Jesus saying…Mat 23:37-38: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the
one killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her,
how often would I have gathered your children together, even as
a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!
Behold, your house is left to you desolate”

As the Church now stands, the man who sees this condition of
worldly evangelicalism is written off as somewhat fanatical. But
the day is coming when the house will be left desolate and there
will not be a man of God among them. I would like to live long
enough to watch this develop and see how things turn out. I would
like to live to see the time when the men and woman of God – holy,
separated and spiritually enlightened – walk out of the evangelical
church and form a group of their own; when they get off the sinking
ship and let her go down in the brackish and worldliness and form
a new ark to ride out the storm.”

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Confession Repentance and Revival


JONATHAN GOFORTH – Revivalist in China! by David Smithers


jonathan goforth“You must go forward on your knees,” was the advice
Hudson Taylor gave to a young Canadian missionary named
Jonathan Goforth. Mr. Goforth faithfully and fervently followed this
advice throughout all has missionary endeavors in China. Yet,
after thirteen years of faithful praying and preaching, and what
most would consider a very successful ministry, Goforth became
restless and dissatisfied. It was at this time an unknown party
from England began sending pamphlets on the Welsh revival of
1904. Goforth was deeply stirred as he read these accounts. “A
new thought, a new conception seemed to come to him of God
the Holy Spirit…” He then gave himself to much more prayer
and Bible study. Goforth now found himself being driven by a
fresh vision, a vision for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Soon he began to meet daily with other missionaries to pray for
revival. These men vowed to God and to one another that they
would pray until revival came to China. In 1908 Jonathan Goforth’s
prayers and dreams began to be realized. Goforth began going to
different missionary stations and simply led his fellow missionaries
in prayer. Then suddenly earnest prayer gave way to the open
confession of sin.

It was when the Christians came clean, confessed and forsook
their secret sin, that the Holy Spirit rushed in like a mighty wind.
Truly it was this open and honest confession of sin that was the
most striking feature of the revival. Everywhere Mr. Goforth went
revival would spread, and almost always in the same way. First
prayer was encourage among the Christians, which then
spontaneously led to heart- breaking confessions of sin. And
then like a flood, the lost were brought into the kingdom by the
thousands. “Men were searched as with fire.” One after another
broken-hearted believers emptied themselves through the
uncovering of all secret sin. Mr. Goforth clearly identified
unconfessed sin among Christians as a major hindrance to
God-sent revival.

Walter Phillips describes for us one of Mr. Goforth’s revival
meetings: “At once, on entering the church one was conscious
of something unusual. The place was crowded to the door and
tense, reverent attention sat on every face. The people knelt for
prayer, silent at first, but soon one here and another there began
to pray aloud. The voices grew and gathered volume and blended
into a great wave of united supplication that swelled until it was
almost a roar. Now I understood why the floor was so wet – the
very air was electric and strange thrills coarsed up and down
ones body.”

When Mr. Goforth preached, “The cross burned like a living fire in
the heart of every address.” It was the person of Jesus Christ who
was exalted throughout the entire revival as a King and Savior
who must be reckoned with. In the midst of this great revival
Jonathan Goforth clearly saw that all of his previous sweating
and striving had reaped only frustration. He came to the firm
conviction that revival is only born through humility, faith, prayer
and the power of the Holy Ghost. Goforth writes, “If revival is
being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still
enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in
human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchange-
able truth that ‘It is not by might, but by My Spirit.'”


They Laid Down Their Armor

by David Wilkerson

“And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had
made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:) then
Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the
Lord’s side? Let him come unto me” (Exodus 32:25-26).

The Hebrew word used here for naked is para, meaning “to loosen,
expose, dismiss.” It also implies “a new beginning.”

A modern beer commercial admonishes this generation to “turn
it loose tonight.” It simply means to throw off past moral inhibitions,
shake free of all law, begin pleasing yourself. Do your own thing,
whatever makes you happy.

Merely taking off their clothes was not corruption; it was the signal,
the message they were sending to the heathen looking on. Can
you see the Amalakites on the surrounding mountains, far off,
looking on this peculiar scene? These enemies, who had trembled
when they saw God at work among them, now laughed and mocked,
“Look at them. They are just like us! Their God has no power. They
don’t even trust in Him! They want to lust and party and play just
like all the rest of us. What hypocrisy!”

In that one act of nakedness they belittled their God in the eyes of
the ungodly! They made God seem heartless, cruel, uncaring and
helpless. They besmirched the honor and majesty of an omnipotent
God. They were no longer an example, no longer admired or feared
or respected.

They had laid their armor down to party! They put in jeopardy God’s
plans for their salvation. They were saying to the world, “We don´t
want to fight any more enemies! We don´t want to resist! We have
had enough of rejection, of sacrifice, of future hopes and far-off
blessings. We want to live now! We want to enjoy ourselves! We
want the good times to roll.”

The corruption was this: This was to be their new beginning. No
more combat! If they were going to have to exist in a hard, cruel
wilderness, then they would quit the struggle and make do the
best they could-on their own.



Great Reformation Needed

ANDREW STROM:  I believe the word “Reformation” has been
hijacked by modern groups such as the NAR – similar to the way
the word ‘Revival’ has been misused and abused in modern times.
This is very sad, because if it is one thing the church desperately
needs today, it is a total and true ‘Reformation’ back to the ways
of the early church. Below, my friend Torben Sondergaard has
some very interesting things to say on this vital topic-

-extracts by Torben Sondergaard

The first reformation took place in the seventeenth century when
Martin Luther opposed the Catholic Church and its teaching. He
revived the very essence of the Gospel, namely justification by
faith alone. You can say that this reformation concerned theology.

The second reformation took place in the nineteenth century around
the time of the ministry of the Wesley brothers’ activities. In this
reformation personal intimacy with Christ was rediscovered.
However, once again the structure itself; the framework of the
church and the service did not change very much. It was, again,
like putting a new patch on old clothes.

If you look back throughout history, you will see that none of the
revivals of the past have seriously done anything about the church
structure. What we really need is a new and radical reformation.
The third reformation is not just about small changes here and there.
No, it is a reformation that goes so deep that it requires a complete
new start.

I know God wants something new to happen. I also know that this
reformation is necessary. Yet despite the fact that I am so
absolutely convinced about the things I am writing, I am still writing
it with great fear and trembling because I know this is not going to
be easily accepted.

Today we are all glad for the reformation Martin Luther introduced.
We forget, however, about many things. We forget that it created
a big opposition as a result of which Luther`s books were burned
and he was accused of having been sent by the devil to wage war
with God´s church. We forget that it led to violent fights in which
thousands of men, women and children were killed. We forget that
the church of that time did not want the reformation and they did
everything to fight it. You might be thinking now: Yes, but that
was the Catholic Church. Today another church denomination
will try to fight what God wants. Why do we think that it is going
to be different today?

I am not saying that we are going to see thousands killed, but
why should we think that everything will go smoothly – without
divisions and without being accused of working against God and
trying to destroy the church? The truth is we need to see this
reformation and it is not going to go smoothly! We are going to be
accused of destroying the church. We are going to be accused
of having been deceived and of being dangerous.

Why did the church turn against Martin Luther? Was it because
his words were opposed to the Word of God? No, that was not
the reason. For the church it was not a matter of what the Bible
said, but of something completely different. Martin Luther´s
teaching opposed a system based on finances, power and control.
We can say that this is also relevant today. People will oppose
it nowadays as well, not because it is unbiblical, but because it
will destroy the system they have helped to build. Finances, power
and control still matter a lot to the church today.

This is not because pastors do not want to serve God and do not
want to do the right thing. It is mostly due to the fact that they
either cannot see it or that they have much to lose, which makes
it hard for them to go in this direction. When they see others
abandoning their system, they will fight it because that is how
they lose their members – and together with them, the money that
keeps the system running.

Jesus is zealous for God´s church on earth. Do we have the same
zeal today? Jesus said there would be a price to pay if we followed
Him. Are we willing to pay that price? It will cause division and
some Christians will fight it because it seems to be something
that will destroy the church. I can honestly say on my behalf that
I have absolutely no intent of destroying God´s church. I love the
church and therefore I want to rescue it. I love God´s people and
I love God – and that is why I do what I do. The only difference is
that my view of what God´s church is, is different from that of
many other people. See here …..

When God No Longer Speaks


by David Wilkerson

Isaiah faithfully prophesied to Israel that the “ears of them that hear”
would one day be opened. But, sadly, his listeners had shut their
ears to God’s voice. They wanted to hold on to their sins!

“When I called, ye did not answer; when I spake, ye did not hear;
but did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that wherein I
delighted not. Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, my
servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants
shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants shall
rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed. Behold, my servants shall sing
for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl
for vexation of spirit” (Isaiah 65:12-14).

How tragic it is to refuse to hear the loving warnings of the Holy
Spirit. Whenever we shut our ears to God’s command to mortify
the sins of our flesh, we are doomed to experience every kind of
sorrow and pain.

Please understand, I’m not talking about a servant of God who is
overtaken by a sin he hates. Nor am I referring to the believer who
won’t allow himself any rest until the Holy Ghost sets him free.
Rather, I’m talking about the believer who has learned to love his
sin, who has laid his head in the lap of a Delilah. Such a person
has a calloused conscience.

The servant who continues his sinful ways will hear voices but
none of them will be God’s. Instead, that person will be given over
to delusion: “I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their
fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when
I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes,
and chose that in which I delighted not” (Isaiah 66:4).

What an awful thing it is when God no longer speaks! But how
encouraging to know that the Holy Spirit will lovingly caution us
and keep us from sin.

Source – When God no Longer Speaks

What Does The Future Hold?


by David Wilkerson

The Bible says that in the last days scoffers will appear, mocking the message that Jesus Christ is going to return to set up a new kingdom. Mockers are saying, “Where is Jesus? I don’t see any evidence that He is coming. Everything continues as it has from the beginning!”

If you were to try to convince these scoffers that Jesus is coming to purge the earth with fire and set up a kingdom of eternal right-eousness, they would call you insane. Many ridicule the very idea of a second coming of Christ. Yet, without batting an eye, these same mockers turn around and claim that a “new world order” is coming!

Such scoffers have bought into a lie from hell. Satan always manufactures a counterfeit just before the real thing comes. You see, he knows King Jesus is about to return and that His new world is at the door. The devil wants to keep his own children deceived by promoting a fantasy world, with every false hope. So now he has concocted a new, demonic doctrine of a coming New Age to keep people from accepting the reality of the coming Christ!

This most recent New Age counterfeit first appeared as the Age of Aquarius. The eleventh constellation was to move into a final, New Age kingdom, which would be known as the “new world order.”

New Agers say this new world order is just about to dawn. They predict a catastrophic calamity will occur and a new world order will arise out of the chaos, ushering in a society of love, under-standing and world peace. All diseases will be cured. Wars will cease. Poverty will be no more. And the only Christ that will exist will be a Christ-consciousness-a worldwide mindset of brother-hood. Self-love will be king, and pleasure will be the focus of all.

I have bad news for all such New Age scoffers. I am sorry but you have been hoodwinked by the devil. There is no such thing as the fantasy world he is pushing on humankind in these last days.

Oh, there is a new world coming, all right, but it isn’t a “new world order” or a New Age. Rather, every kingdom of this world is soon to become our Lord’s and all His enemies will become His footstool. Christ is coming back to establish His holy kingdom, and scoffers will not have any part in it: “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13).


© 2013 World Challenge – a registered trademark of David Wilkerson

The Last Outpouring

by David Wilkerson

I know some will not receive what I am about to say, yet many will. I do not believe we have yet seen the glory and fullness of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied by Joel. What we have seen are just a few sprinkles! Yes, we have had a worldwide charismatic renewal and love has brought many together. It has been an experience shared worldwide, yet it is just a foretaste.

God will permit nothing to hinder what he plans to do. The enemy is in for a surprise. Just as it appears the church will be inundated by a satanic flood, the Spirit will raise up a standard. Understand what that standard is, and you will understand what God is about to do. The standard is a holy people, pure, undefiled, delivered from the corruption that is in the world. That standard is a new breed of sanctified Christians, who will shine forth as lights in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation. It will not be just a renewal of love and praise, but a restoration of holiness unto the Lord!

There will still be shouting and praise, but it will be the shout of victory over sin and compromise, fulfilling the purpose of the last outpouring: “That all who call on his name shall be delivered…” (Joel 2:32). Delivered from what? From sin! From the spirit of the world!

We will not have had the fullness of the Spirit´s outpouring until baptized people separate themselves completely from the world. We must emphasize separation and purity of heart. The purpose of the Spirit´s coming is to sanctify and prepare a people for the Lord´s return, a people without spot or wrinkle.

When the fullness of the Spirit´s outpouring comes upon all flesh, conviction for sin will be everywhere. “He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” (John 16:8). That is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

Tragically, too many speak with tongues, but then live like the devil. Sin was never uprooted and all they received was an experience of ecstasy. God blessed them just enough to call them into a deeper life of holiness and submission, but they stopped and went about saying, “I´ve got the Holy Ghost.”

Oh, there is so much more! I thank God for the privilege of praying in an unknown tongue; it is my way of releasing all the pent-up praises to God in a communication beyond my understanding. But you can speak with the tongues of men and even angels, and without charity, you have received nothing. But I say it goes even deeper. You are not truly baptized with the Holy Spirit until every hidden part of your soul has been exposed-and every sin confessed and forsaken.

(c) 2010, World Challenge, Inc. – www.worldchallenge.org

John Wesley and Sanctification

holiness and sanctification preached

John Wesley

John Wesley was a man mighty in faith and prayer. Time and again people possessed with devils were brought to him and in answer to prayer the demons were cast out. Not only were evil spirits cast out, but the sick were healed as well. As Wesley preached, the power of God often came upon his listeners, and hundreds would fall under the power of the Holy Spirit. Then, in answer, to prayer their souls and bodies were healed. A physician became offended at the cries of many who fell under the power of God. He attended Wesley’s meeting and a lady he knew fell under the power. “Great drops of sweat ran down her face, and all her bones shook. But when both her soul and body were healed in a moment he acknowledged the finger of God.” On another occasion when Wesley was traveling the preaching circuit, his horse suddenly became lame. With no one near to offer help, he stopped and prayed. “Immediately the horse’s lameness was gone.”

Wesley pleaded with men to repent and by faith make peace with God or suffer in an everlasting hell. People who had entertained false hopes of salvation had their religious masks torn away by his plain preaching. Wesley believed that those who failed to warn the sinner and backslider, themselves stood under the judgement of Christ. He was determined to declare the whole counsel of God, offering the love of God in Christ and giving warning of the dreadful consequences of rejecting the gospel. Wesley wrote, “Before I can preach love and grace, I must preach sin, law and judgement.”

John Wesley, as well as the other early Methodist preachers, was both a bold advocate and a living example of sanctification. Wesley preached with unceasing zeal that complete holiness was the primary fruit of a vibrant faith in Christ. Counseling another minister, Wesley wrote, “. . .till you press believers to expect full salvation from sin, you must not look for any revival.”

If John Wesley were to make an anonymous visit to the Methodists of today, it is doubtful whether many of it’s churches would welcome him. They would most likely resent his fervent zeal and enthusiasm. When he was eighty-three he made a note that he was regretful that he could not write more than fifteen hours a day without hurting his eyes. Wesley faithfully preached almost up to the very day he died. Truly his vigor and zeal in old age were the reward of his faithful stewardship of time. He seemed to consider every thought, word and deed in light of eternity.

“Amid all his arduous labors, his innumerable engagements, his coming and going, Wesley lived a hidden life of intimacy with God. When worn out with overwork he often found new strength in answer to prayer.” It was Wesley’s strict habit to daily spend one hour in prayer in the morning, and then another hour in the evening. John Wesley shook the world by his preaching because he first shook heaven and hell with his praying. His preaching had a sense of eternal urgency because he had touched eternity on his knees.


New Publication

Keys to Revival Praying

keys to revival

by David and Patricia Knowles

  • What is Revival and what is NOT Revival
  • How did the revivalists pray?
  • Exciting accounts of events in past Revivals to thrill and inspire us today.

Buy it Here

Key Quotes

“I was satisfied that the doctrine of Entire Sanctification in this life, in the sense that it was the privilege of Christians to live without sin, was a doctrine taught in the Bible“

“There will be no great Revival until the people of God are deeply convicted of their need of holiness”

“A God-sent Revival must ever be related to holiness”

“Holiness has been the message of saints of God down the centuries, and was the foundation of the glorious Revivals of Christianity under the original Quakers, Methodists and the Salvation Army and wherever it is truly known and experienced, it is the bringer-in of Revival today .”

“That such widespread misunderstanding should exist about the word (sanctification) and its meaning, is a spiritual disaster .If there is one New Testament term more than another which calls for rescue it is that precious, expressive word, Sanctification. “

“Believers must be brought into conviction of the shame and evil of the carnal state. God brings believers into, what may be called ,a second conviction — conviction of a need of deliverance from the power of sin.”

"True holiness is a Revival of Holiness. Personal holiness is more desirable than happiness, he (Duncan Campbell) taught, and it is not in heaven alone that God wants our saintliness - it is here and now; holiness is not just a doctrine to be taught, it is a way of life - it is the life of Jesus."

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"When the acts of sin are forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary, that nature of sin still remains in the heart, and so many have never heard that there is deliverance from it. That is why I specially believe in Holiness Meetings."

" Being wholly sanctified is the completion of grace done in the heart at conversion and is generally a second, definite experience. This second work of grace is two-fold; first a cleansing of the heart from indwelling sin, and secondly an incoming of the Holy Ghost making the Lord Jesus all in all to the believer."

"Sanctification is cleansing to make holy ...... The Baptism with the Holy Spirit is a gift of power upon the sanctified life."

".... it is the spiritual work of Jesus Christ to purify His people by His own blood to rid them of this deep-lying disease. That is why He is called the Great Physician. He is able to heal us of this plague of impurity and iniquity, redeeming us from the consequences of our sins and purifying us from the presence of our sins."

"When we have a clear knowledge of justification and sanctification, then we can be a recipient of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit." WILLIAM SEYMOUR

"God Who delivers us from the guilt of sin through faith in Jesus Christ, is able to deliver the believer from the power of sin as well."

"The Bible tells us that holiness is perfect deliverance from sin - The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin - 1John 1:7. Thus, holiness is a state in which there is no longer malice, blasphemy, hypocracy, envy, love for ease, selfish desires for good opinions of men, shame of the cross, worldliness, deceipt, contention, covetousness, nor any evil desire or tendency in the heart. It is a state in which there is no longer any doubt or fear, a state in which God is loved and trusted with a perfect heart. It is a state of heart and life which consists in being and doing, ALL thr e time, just what God wants us to do."
Commissioner SAMUEL LOGAN BRENGLE. (Salvation Army)